Weather & Climate of Panchagarh

Panchagarh has tropical climate. Panchagarh is warm and temperate. In winter, there is much less rainfall than in summer. The climate here is classified as Cwa by the Köppen-Geiger system. The average temperature in Panchagarh is 24.3 °C. The rainfall here averages 2677 mm. The driest month is December, with 2 mm of rain. Most precipitation falls in July, with an average of 650 mm. August is the warmest month of the year. The temperature in August averages 28.3 °C. In January, the average temperature is 16.9 °C. It is the lowest average temperature of the whole year. There is a difference of 648 mm of precipitation between the driest and wettest months. The average temperatures vary during the year by 11.4 °C.

October – March
The mild winter starts from October to ends in March.

March – June
The hot and humid summer starts from March, and ends around June.

June – October
The humid and warm rainy monsoon starts from June until October.

Panchagarh - average rainfall in the past:
AreaYearAverage Rainfall (inch)
Tetulia, Panchagarh and Boda1921122.32″

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