July 19, 2005 – China To Setup Textile Mill In Bangladesh – T&G Supply

At least 3,000 people will get jobs after the mill gets rolling into production. US$ 100 million is to be invested setting up a textile mill at Panchagarh district in Bangladesh. The move is carried out by a Chinese business group Jiangsu Redbud Dyeing Technology Co Ltd of China. Textiles and Jute Minister Shajahan Siraj at his secretariat office held talks with a 5-member Chinese delegation led by Frank Liu, Chairman of the company. During the meeting, Liu informed the Minister that they want to set a jute-based textile mill as a joint venture at Panchagarh district in the premises of Gem Jute Ltd. They will produce fabrics from jute and then use it for garments, he said adding, at least 3,000 people will get jobs after the mill gets rolling into production.


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