August 30, 2005 – Two suspect arrested

BDNEWS reports from Panchagarh: Police arrested two more suspects – Md Badiuzzaman, 32, superintendent of Panchagarh Satmera Darulfalah Dakhil Madrasa, and Khalilur Rahman Pradhan alias Khalil Pradhan — on Sunday night.

July 19, 2005 – China To Setup Textile Mill In Bangladesh – T&G Supply

At least 3,000 people will get jobs after the mill gets rolling into production. US$ 100 million is to be invested setting up a textile mill at Panchagarh district in Bangladesh. The move is carried out by a Chinese business group Jiangsu Redbud Dyeing Technology Co Ltd of China. Textiles and Jute Minister Shajahan Siraj […]