December 25, 2008 – FACE-TO-FACE WITH VOTERS IN PANCHAGARH 2: Candidates pledge to root out corruption – New Age

All the four candidates of Panchagarh-2 constituency (Boda-Debiganj) vowed to root out corruption and to work unitedly for development of the district, if elected. BNP-led alliance candidate Md Mojahar, Hossain, grand alliance nominee Nurul Islam Shujan, CPB candidate Asraful Alam and Bangladesh Torikat Fedaration candidate Md Sona Miah also promised that whoever wins the polls, they would extend their hands of cooperation to the wining candidate. They made the promises while answering questions to voters at a ‘face-to-face meeting with the people’ held at Boda Upazila Parisahd auditorium in Panchagarh on Tuesday. The Boda upazila unit o the Corruption Prevention Committee organised the meeting. The upazila nirbahi officer of Boda, Sarwar Alam, attended the meeting as chief guest while the CPC upazila unit president, Abu Jaker presided. The candidates also pledged to help maintain communal harmony in the district. Several hundred people from all walks of life attended the programme. Meanwhile, only two candidates out of 11 of three constituencies in Thakurgaon Sunday evening faced voters at a question-answer session, jointly organised by Shushashoner Jonno Nagarik, a citizen’s forum for good governance, and the CPC. THE CPC district unit president, Taslim Uddin Ahamed, presided over the session while the local unit president of Shujon, Montosh Kumer Dey, attended as special guest. The district unit secretary of Shujon, Nurul Fazal Bulbul, moderated the programme. More than 500 voters took part in it. The BNP-led alliance candidate for Thakurgaon-1, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, and the LDP nominee, advocate Habibullah, were present at the programme while nine other candidates skipped it. Miza Fakhrul Islam said if elected, he would give importance to development of agriculture sector as most people of the district were dependent on agriculture. Advocate Habibullah said if elected, he would work for development of the sectors in which people’s interests are directly involved.


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