Small poultry farms will go out of business in Panchagarh district because of increasing cost of poultry birds and feed. There is serious frustration among small poultry farm owners who number about 200 in the five upazilas in Panchagarh district. Many of the owners are unemployed educated young people who are struggling hard to become economically self-dependent. They are also trying to remove poverty by providing jobs for other less educated but also unemployed youths in their farms. Bigger farms are producing chicken as well as feed so the small poultry farms cannot compete with them and if the trend continues the smaller farms would soon have to close down. The small poultry farm owners have to buy necessary material from those bigger farms who, it is alleged, have a syndicate. The smaller farm owners have to buy everything at a high price and sell at a lower price. For a small farmer, it costs Tk 100 to rear a chicken up to 1 kg. However, a wholesaler has to sell a 1 kg hen for Tk 85-90. These and other impediments are the causes for the price spiral of eggs. Among other things, the small farm owners have called for a halt in the import of eggs to save their farms.