Road communication on Thakurgaon-Panchagarh highway was disrupted for more than four hours on Tuesday as jute mill workers blocked the highway following death of their colleague in a road accident. The dead was identified as Mofizul, 24, hailed from Malgoba village in Panchagarh Atoari upazila was a worker of Zem Jute Mills Limited, reports our Thakurgaon correspondent. Mofizul died on the spot as a Dhaka-bound bus smashed his bicycle at Dhanipara in Boda upazila in Panchagarh at about 8:00am. After hearing the death news, the mill workers put barricade on the highway demanding arrest of the bus driver and compensation. Over hundred vehicles got stranded on the both sides of the highway causing immense sufferings to the travelers. The local people removed the barricade at about 12:10pm after getting assurance from the police regarding to their demands.