November 15, 2008 – Fund Crisis threatens closure of GPMC in Panchagarh – The Financial Express

The country’s only Germ Plasm Maintenance Centre (GPMC) at Sakowa in Boda under Panchagarh is going to be closed due to lack of necessary fund. The GPMC project was launched for preservation and development of silk products at the cost of Tk 25 million under the assistance of the World Bank (WB) on two years agreement. The tenure of the project came to an end in 2003, as the deal was not renewed further. At present there is no fund available for conducting any research work. Earlier, the researchers of GPMC added new dimension to the national silk industry by introducing longer lasting varieties of silk. About 600 local families were also benefited from the project and became self-dependent. If the only GPMC was closed for lack of fund allocation, our silk industry would face a serious crisis to survive as well as earn foreign exchange, opined the experts. They also demanded that necessary steps should be taken immediately to revive the project for the sake of the country’s silk industry.


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