April 28, 2009 – Digging out pebbles from deep surface causes erosion – The New Nation

Panchagarh, the northern most district of Bangladesh, is full of small stone, that is being dug out regularly from the deep ground surface which is turning into desert most areas of Tentulia upazila of the district. Thousands of acres of plain lands have turned into desert and moor. These lands have become uncultivable as crop does not grow in these lands.
The farmers of these areas are loosing their cultivable land day by day. These huge withdrawals of pebbles have been able to meet the demand of the country. These pebbles are being used for various purposes. So their demand are on the rise day by day, but the price is not increasing accordingly. The pebble businessmen have left the ancient system of collecting pebbles and a applying their modern system to draw more benefit from it. The district pebbles and sand association have taken the cultivable land as lease and are digging for pebbles. This is happening for want of government supervision and as a result the government is losing crores of taka. It may be mentioned here that a survey that pebbles are being dug out recklessly without ministry permission for Environment Ministry. It is said that some of the rivers of Tetulia have already lost their flowing.


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