News and Events of Panchagarh in 2008

May 9, 2008 – Tea processing plant opens in Panchagarh – Financial Express

Another tea processing plant has been opened in Panchagarh district. This is the third tea processing plant in the district. The new tea processing plant, Korotoa Tea Plant, situated just eight kilometres away from the Panchagarh town was ceremonially opened recently by Tea Board Chairman Mosharaf Hossain. The opening ceremony was attended, among others, by Managing Director of National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd Golam Hafiz Ahmed.

January 16, 2008 – Number of small tea gardens increasing in Panchagarh – Financial Express

Our Correspondent – PANCHAGARH, Jan 16: The number of small tea gardens are rapidly increasing in Panchagarh district.  Sources said at present there are 215 mini tea gardens in Panchagarh district while there are only 13 medium-size tea gardens and 18 big tea estates. Generally gardens comprising one to five acres of land are regarded as mini tea gardens while gardens comprising five to twenty acres of land are regarded as medium gardens and tea gardens comprising above twenty acres of land are called big tea-estates.  The sources added according to a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Tea Board Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB) is providing loan to the tea-gardens in the region. When contacted an official of the Tea Board in Panchagarh said so far 1815 acres of land have come under tea cultivation in Panchagarh district and the area of tea cultivation is increasing steadily. He further said land of Panchagarh district is very tea-friendly. As a result more and more people from other districts as well as local entrepreneurs are investing in this sector.

January 5, 2008 – Certificate distribution and best students’ award ceremony – [Source: Internet ]

Certificate distribution and best students’ award ceremony hold at two CLCs in Panchagar and Dinajpur on 5th and 6th January 2008. Students were eagerly participating in the ceremony and they have their dreams in their eves to make our country a better place for them with the help of better education. Through the programmes it is assumed that VAB-NJ’s dream is clearly ahead to come true.

Panchagar B P High School, Panchagar This centre is donated by Muhit Rahman founder of Bangladesh Relief fund USA. In the certificate distribution ceremony 56 students received their certificates after successfully completing their ‘Esho Computer Shakhi’ course and six best student received prize money for their best performance during the course. Students and teachers discussed about the impact of the CLP at the school and how they are getting benefit from the internet. Muhit Rahman and CLP Coordinator Ajoy Kumar Bose shared their ideas with the students and advised them to take the maximum benefit from the computer lab. . Muhit Rahman also shared his experience with the students to become a good student. Students sang songs and Muhit Rahman provided foot ball and volleyball teams dress. He also present books among the students. Social worker Ms. Dilara Rahman, Mr. Samsul Alam, Headmaster of the school Mr. Akturuzzman and Zahid-Al-Mahadi of D.Net were present in the Certificate distribution ceremony.

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