June 29, 2009 – Cable operators of 3 districts hold conference in Panchagarh – New Nation

The cable operators of Panchagarh, Thakurgaon and Nilphamari districts held a daylong conference at the auditorium of youth development deparement in Panchagarh on Saturday. Deputy commissioner of Panchagarh district Bonomali Bhowmik was present at the conference as the chief guest. While police super of Panchagarh Harun-or-Rashid Hazari and deputy director of Panchagarh Youth Development Shahin-ur-Rahman […]

June 28, 2009 – Measures for dev of Northern Bengal demanded – The New Nation

UNB, Dhaka : North Bengal Development Council has demanded proper government measures for the development of the backward North Bengal region, remained neglected for long. The council made the demand at a press conference at the National Press Club yesterday. Council’s secretary Shairful Islam read out a written statement elaborating the prospects and problems of […]